Dave's Blueridge Page

Proud to have lived in Blueridge
for 27+ years

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Blueridge 3rd Quarter 2024 - 2 Minute Housing Market Update

What's been happening in Blueridge, North Vancouver

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Review up to date market statistics and search for your home North Vancouver

Statistics for Detached Homes in Blueridge
Compared to all of North vancouver

Place your cursor on the charts below to see data

Average Sales Price

Average price is the total dollar volume divided by the total number of sales in a given month

Percentage of Original Price

Percentage is found by dividing a listing's sales price by its original list price, then taking the average for all sold listings in a given month

Average Price per Square Foot

The average price per square foot for properties sold in a given month

MLS Average Days on the Market (DOM)

Average number of days between when a property is listed and when an offer is accepted in a given month

Total Inventory

The number of properties available for sale in active status at the end of a given month

Sales/Active Ratio

The number of home sales divided by total active inventory for the specified period
20% plus = Seller's Market
12% or less = Buyer's Market
13% to 19% = Balanced Market

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